Thanksgiving Realization

Many things we, as individuals, should be thankful for. Family, friends, life, love, and liberty, and for the most part we hit every single point during our thanksgiving speeches at the thanksgiving table. But very few of us get to realize what is really meaningful to our own hearts.

So this is what I’m really thankful for. I’m thankful for being able to be who I wanna be. To take the steps towards any yellow or brick path I want, and go against the arrows that everybody is pointing to just because I decided to be different. I’m thankful for the friends that have been by my side from day one (when I had my green hair) to the ones that I just met 2 months ago and made me realize that they are more friends than some I’ve had for years. The word friends is over rated, these people are more like family. And most importantly family. I’m thankful for my family. Certain personnel’s in my family have inspired me to keep on reaching until I reach my dream. They have always encouraged me and have pushed me to be the best self I am today.

That’s what I’m thankful for. And as I continued growing I keep on realizing the different things, people, and situation that cross pass my life time that make me grateful more and more each year. It’s with personal growth that people seem to realize what actually matter and what they are truly grateful for.

So let me ask you, what are you thankful for?