It Is Not Too Late To Save The Oceans!

     With today’s Millenials it’s hard to grab anyone’s attention or awareness if it isn’t a picture on Instagram or a short video on Twitter. But what if they’d take 5 minutes to read this small article to inform themselves and figure out that it isn’t too late to fix the rest of what has not been destroyed yet in the big blue seas. 

    Around the early 2000s, the gigantic sea life around the world began to deteriorate due to society’s lack of consciousness and awareness. It is 2019 and oceans that we once filled with life and blue are now filled with tons of garbage and brown from the pollution that rolls in. The ocean has been one of the most rapid destructions that cover 71% of the world and have been oppressed due to the fact that they do not have a voice. 

    Although many of us are conscious of the deteriorating oceans, it seems like a hazy idea to begin and conserve the oceans because it does not affect us directly. According to the Journal of Environmental Management by Katherine Yates, There has been a movement since the mid-2000s for the protection of large marine areas; especially in the UK. The oceans are still crying out for help figuratively and the ecosystem in the deep blue sea continue to slowly disappear. 

    Although this source does give a sense of hope that there are non-government organizations that are willing to help and create marine protected areas where the living organisms can go un harm and grow naturally.

    There are so many ways to conserve what we have left but it is just steps we need to be willing to make and invest in. For example, many restaurants are already transitioning from plastic straws to paper straws. So why not implement that in your homes. The only way to start is by starting small although it may not seem like much. 

    Another example would be grocery shopping. Bring a reusable bag you may have stored away. Companies like Goodwill and Aldi are implementing this reusable source. Artists like SZA and brands like Champion are collaborating with nonprofit organizations to implement support behind this cause to save our oceans. It is not too late to make a difference. So its better to begin now before its too late.