There has always been a boundary or a curtain between men and women. Until this day Americans live by the saying that we are all equal whether it’s — race, gender, sex. But then deep down the will always be a division especially between women and men. Although there has been great advancement in this day and age, there is some light still coming in and women are growing, becoming stronger and more independent. But then there is still times where men seem to forget when yes means yes or when no means no.

#Metoo movement began in early October when continues report in The new York Times and The New Yorker shun some light on a film mogul Harvey Weinstein that allegedly would convince women to enter hotel rooms and bars, and sexually harassed or assaulted them.  Short after a tweet from actress Alyssa Milano, who was one of Weinstein’s accusers, the social media platform began to boom with personal stories of victims with similar cases all using the hashtag #Metoo.

Some may agree that this movement is finally getting the ball rolling for some laws that hadn’t been able to come through before. According to the New York Times This mass unity throughout the world against sexual abuse, through a ground breaking wave of speaking out in common conversations and social media, is finally revealing and disintegrating two of the biggest barriers to ending sexual harassment in law and in life: the disbelief and minimising dehumanization of it the victims.

Sexual harassment law is the first law to accept sexual violation in inequality terms. This was essential  for this moment and what is happening around us now. Although when the abusers and discrediting of accusers could still be a great reason as to why the suspect could use that as a shield to their actions. Some women  are worried of what this movement can bring to them now; the consequences of all these women accusing men of assault that are in higher positions. There may be less employment of women now because men may be afraid of getting wrongly accused.

“A Pew report, released on Wednesday, identified some similar concerns, with 21 percent of women saying that the increased focus on sexual harassment would lead to decreased opportunities for women in the workplace, and 31 percent saying that women falsely claiming sexual harassment or assault is a major problem today,” according to Vox. But women are not just going to let this moment just disappear out of nowhere but maybe the intensity will begin to subside. Hopefully the effects that this has brought will stick and stay for a long period of time.